There are a number of useful resources at the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles website, including a sample permit practice test for Virginia and the Driver’s Manual, which contains all useful and relevant information for passing the practice permit test. There are two sample knowledge exams related to a typical driver’s license, with one exam testing knowledge of traffic signs and the other testing general knowledge. The tests are graded instantly and you will be able to check your answers. Using this will help you understand the type of questions and likely material that will be on the test.
The Virginia Driver’s Manual is also available on the DMV website and be downloaded in sections or in full. This driver’s manual is also available in audio format. The manual will also be available at customer service centers, some high schools and commercial driving schools. It is important to study this manual thoroughly to pass the practice permit test Virginia. Failing the knowledge exam will cause you to be deferred for a full 15 days. At your prior request, you may take an audio version of the exam or take the exam in Spanish. Other translations are subject to availability. Multiple failures will result in mandatory driver’s education for those that still want a Virginia driver’s license.
The driver’s license will cost $3 per year and replacing a lost permit will cost $2.
permit practice test Virginia/practice permit test Virginia