What are Parking Violations?
Parking violations are unlawful acts that involve parking a motor vehicle in a restricted place or in an unauthorized manner. Parking violations are universal in nature. For instance, it is against the law in every jurisdiction to park a motor vehicle in the middle of a road or highway. However, the laws surrounding parking violations are implemented on a local level. Every town in the United States implements their own laws with regards to parking violations.
Motorists who commit parking violations are penalized through a parking ticket. Parking tickets are administered by local police departments. They are attached with fines, which fluctuate based on the severity of the violation. Failure to pay parking tickets result in added penalties and a possible suspension of a driver’s license.
Parking laws are enforced by jurisdictions to promote safe parking habits. Parking tickets are a means to harmonize traffic laws. The creation of restricted spots, for instance, ensures that crucial pathways, such as railroad crossings, pedestrian walkways and fire hydrant zones, are clear. Laws prohibiting double parking or parking in the middle of street aim to avoid bottlenecks or congestion from forming on our roads. These laws therefore promote convenience, safety and unimpeded travel.
Another means for the creation of parking violations is to fund a jurisdiction. Parking spaces are public property; they are owned by the government of the acting government. Parking meters are used to collect funds from motorists using these spaces. As stated above, failure to abide by a jurisdiction’s parking laws will result in the administration of a parking ticket. The penalties attached to the ticket are collected by the local government to provide public services for the community.
Types of NYC Parking Violations
Because of the massive population density, NYC parking violations are among the most common in the United States. NYC parking violations are administered by New York City traffic police for a variety of reasons. The following violations are deemed illegal in New York City. The fines for the respective infractions will be listed next to the NYC parking violation.
• Stopping, standing or parking where sign, street marking or traffic control device does not allow stopping: $115
• Hotel Loading/Unloading: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic control device: $115
• In case of snow emergency: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic control device: $115
• NYC Parking violations regarding tax stands: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic control device: $115
• NYC Parking Violations regarding General No Standing Zones: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic control device: $115
• NYC Parking Violations regarding Truck Loading/Unloading Zones: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic control device: $95
• NYC Parking Violations regarding Authorized Vehicles Only: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic control device: $95
• NYC Parking Violations regarding Bus Stops and Bus Lanes: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic control device: $115
• NYC Parking Violations regarding General No Parking Zones: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic control device: $65
• NYC Parking Violations regarding Street Cleaning: Standing or parking where standing is not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic control device: $65. Vehicles must switch sides of the street on designated street cleaning
• NYC Parking Violations regarding expired meters—parking in a space where the meter is working but the time has expired: $65. A motorist will also be fined $65 if the individual parks at a mater that is broken for longer than the time permitted
The above list represents only a small fraction of the codified parking violations in New York City. Because of its size and population these laws are habitually enforced; without NYC parking laws, congestion on the city’s roadways would be insufferable.
How Do I Pay NYC Parking Tickets?
NYC parking laws require those in possession of parking tickets to respond within 30 days of the date the ticket was originally issued. If the motorist does not respond within this time limit, additional penalties will be attached to the NYC parking violation. The city of New York, to facilitate the payment process, offers a full-fledged website dedicated to organizing and processing your NYC Parking Violation Tickets.
At www.nyc.gov/parking, you will be able to access a payment processor to immediately fulfill your payment obligations. In addition to paying online, you may pay by phone by contacting 212-504-4041. Moreover, you may also pay in person at a Finance Business Center; these locations will accept payment by cash, check, money order, credit or debit card.
All NYC parking tickets will provide a space for dispute. If you feel that your NYC parking ticket was unjustly administered you may contest the ticket. All disputes must be delivered within the 30-day timeframe. Disputing the ticket will temporarily place a hold on the attached fine. The dispute will mandate a hearing, where an administrative law judge will review the parking matter and either uphold or reverse the ruling. There are three ways to dispute a parking ticket: by mail, through a hearing in person or through the city’s online portal. The majority of disputes will result in a reduced fine.